Burlington,KY, November 20, 2011: The Petition to Repeal the statute, “National Day of
Prayer” was created October 24, 2011 and addressed to: The President of the
United States, The U.S. Senate, The U.S. House of Representatives, Legislative
Branch, Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, U.S. Attorney General. In essence,
The United States Government.
The National Day of Prayer is a
violation of the Establishment Clause, and the Free Exercise Clause of the
First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The statute is also a
violation of the Equal Rights Provision to the Fourteenth Amendment of the
United States Constitution. The National Day of Prayer Statute states:
"The President shall issue each year a proclamation designating
the first Thursday in May as a National Day of Prayer on which the people of
the United States may turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in
groups, and as individuals."
- National Day of Prayer Statute (Title 36 United States Code Section 119)
The National Day of Prayer
Task force, has fought to keep this statute alive, and would do everything in
their power to prevent any other law to be put in its place, if it’s not of a
Christian nature; which gives victory to religion over the citizens of the
United States.
The National Day of Prayer, is discriminatory
and should be quash, and have a more tolerant statute put in its place. If we
let laws like this to be passed by our Government, then what’s to stop them
from establishing other Laws, respecting religion. Our Legal System is built on
a precedential system, and if we let these religion’s laws pass into Federal,
State or Municipal Statute, we might as well start tearing up the United States
Constitution. A nightmare to everyone whom wishes to keep their Civil
Liberties. And definitely a nightmare for people who are hated by the Christian
Right. Their ilk would call for the killing of anyone, not of their way, if
given the chance to do so.
In August, 1999, Rev. Jack
Harvey, Pastor of the Tabernacle Independent Baptist Church in Killeen, TX had
allegedly arranged for at least one member of his church to carry a handgun
during religious services, “Incase a warlock tries to grab one of our kids…I’ve
heard they drink blood, and eat babies. They have fires, they probably cook
them…” Rev. Harvey later stated that the United States Army should Napalm
Witches. One of the demonstrators against Wiccans had a sign that stated,
“Witchcraft is an abomination” on one side, and “Burn the Witches off Ft. Hood”
on the other. This was in Killeen, TX; Ft. Hood is a large Army Base near
Killeen, and a Wiccan Faith group is active there.
That same year, Conservative
Christian Pastors occasionally called for a renewal of the Burning Times; and
still do today. If we don’t fight for our freedoms, then we might as well tie
ourselves to the stakes, and create our own hangman’s noose, because that’s
what will happen if we keep allowing the Christian Right to institutionalize
their Religion’s laws into our Government’s Statutes.
I’m not asking for anyone to be
violent, or start a riot. I am calling all Pagans, Atheists, Homosexuals,
Bisexuals, Trans-genders, Inter-genders, and anyone who is NOT a Christian, to
fight side by side; to defend our freedoms of Religion, Choice, Expression, and
all of our Freedoms, guaranteed to us by the United States Constitution.
Justice Harry Blackmun, in the
case, County of Allegheny v. ACLU, in 1989 stated, “Some Christians may wish to see the government proclaim its allegiance
to Christianity…but the Constitution does not permit the gratification of that
desire, which would contradict the logic of secular liberty it is the purpose
of the Establishment Clause to protect.”
The Petition Letter goes as
To the Government of The United
States of America,
The United States Government sanctioned
the National Day of Prayer into Law 1952 by Harry S. Truman. The law was
amended and signed by President Reagan 1988, designating the NDP as the first
Thursday in May.
The problem with this, is that it
recognizes only the Abrahamic/Judaic/Islamic Religions, and excludes the rest
of the recognized religions within the Country; a Violation of Separation of
Church and State and the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Then the Supreme Court rules it constitutional, when it is not.
According to National Day of
Prayer website, they claim the day to bring all citizens together from all
different backgrounds. But not all religions pray. Only those with a Christian
Background do. So this day is not for all religions, it for Christians. This is
Illegal since it was sanctioned by the government, and is a violation of our
Freedom of Religion and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment of the
United States Constitution.
If we want a day to recognize
religion, it should be about Religious Tolerance, since that is one of the
biggest problems we face here in America. A National Day of Religious
Tolerance, would best fit the rights of every citizen of this country, and is
NOT imposing nor restricting religion on anyone.
National Day of Religious
Tolerance, is a day to observe everyone's and our own rights to adhere to any
form of religion or none, to practice or abstain from practicing religious
beliefs, and to be free from governmental interference with or promotion of
Shirley Dobson, Chairman of the
National Day of Prayer states, “We have
lost many of our freedoms in America because we have been asleep. I feel if we
do not become involved and support the annual National Day of Prayer, we could
end up forfeiting this freedom, too.” Which is a blatant ignorance of the
First Amendment, and is nothing more than an attempt to press for more
Christian recognition and to stamp out other religions.
If we do not stand up and fight
for our rights for Religious Tolerance, then our Rights will be taken from us,
and we will have nobody to blame but ourselves. Fight the Fear, and put an end
to Governmental Sponsorship of Religion.
"Some Christians may wish to see the government proclaim its
allegiance to Christianity…but the Constitution does not permit the
gratification of that desire, which would contradict the logic of secular
liberty it is the purpose of the Establishment Clause to protect.” -
Justice Harry Blackmun (County of Allegheny v. ACLU ‘1989’)
For proof that The National Day
of Prayer is Unconstitutional, go to:
My Proposal for the Government of
The United States of America, is to repeal the Law of National Day of Prayer,
and replace it with a Law that is Legal and Constitutional.
The [N]ew [S]tatute shall state:
“The President of the United States of America shall set aside one day
out of the year as a National Day of Religious Tolerance, to honor the American
Citizen’s Rights of Freedom of Religion. On this day, American Citizens may, if
they so choose, participate in the observances of themselves and their fellow
citizen the Guaranteed Constitutional Right to either adhere to or abstain from
religion. This National Day of Religious Tolerance may be observed, Privately,
Publicly, or within any establishment unless prohibited by law, and shall not
promote, nor interfere with the Freedom of Religion of the Citizens of the
several states. This Statute herein shall hereby forthwith henceforth construct
an established foundation for Religious Tolerance, to help bring an end to
religious hate crime, and bring forth a more Peaceful and Tolerant Nation.”
- Rev. Mirado Crow, D.D. (2011)
Legal Definitions:
Freedom of Religion - The right
to adhere to any religion or none, to practice or abstain from practicing
religious beliefs, and to be free from governmental interference with or
promotion of religion, as guaranteed by the First Amendment and Article 6,
Subsection 3 of the United States Constitution.
Free Exercise Clause - The
constitutional provision (U.S. Constitution, Amendment 1) prohibiting the
government from interfering in people's religious practices or forms of
States Constitution, First Amendment - Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or
abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of
More on how our Religious Liberties and other Liberties may be in Danger, visit these links:
Christian Right Wing Pastor And Endorser Of Michele Bachmann Admits That The Religious Right Wants Dominionism And ‘World Conquest’ (VIDEO)
Bachmann Endorser Grant Says "It Is Dominion We Are After. World Conquest"
The Evangelicals Engaged In Spiritual Warfare
Rep. Hartzler Says Government Shouldn't Accommodate "Fringe Religions" Because "Christianity is the Main Religion"
Santorum: God's Law And Civil Law Must Be The Same
Paul Blair Warns That "The Devil" Is Behind Gay Rights, Culture
More links coming soon!
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Cover for Biblical Contradictions |
For Thousands of years Pagans and Witches have been persecuted and killed in the name of "Jesus" or "God". From invasions into Pagan Cities to the 1692 Salem Witch Trials and even today, the Church has spread false tales about other religions and even the Witches as a way to keep control over the world`s populace. Now the Church attacks Wiccans and other Neo-Pagans with the massive abundance of misinformation to keep what`s left of their control over the people. It is time that this ENDS! We must all work together to fight the fear and persecution by exposing their lies where it will hurt the worst; Their Religious Doctrine. It is time to stop them from attacking us, and to do this, we will have to expose the fatal flaws, lies and contradictions within their very own Religious Doctrine; Their "Holy Bible". We all need to work together to fight the fear and persecution of our Troops, our Children, and each other because of Religious Preference.
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Fight for your Religious Freedoms! Disarm Christian Holy Rolling, and Prevent Christian Theocracy from becoming our NEW Government.
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