
Friday, August 6, 2010

Christian Wiccan, Christian Pagan, and Christian Witch

Somehow in the Magickal Community, there has been the addition of Christio-Paganism (Christian Paganism), Christio-Witchcraft (Christian Witchcraft), and Christio-Wicca (Christian Wicca, aka.. the Trinitarian Tradition). How and why this was allowed by the rest of the Community, I really don't know. Seeing as how Christianity and Paganism both spiritually and practically are NOT the same and are completely opposite, since Christianity is strictly Monotheist meaning that they worship and believe that there is only ONE Divine Being, and Paganism is Polytheist meaning that there is more than one Divine Being.

Within the Christian Bible is speaks out against the Pagans, and Hebrews have been called to attack and Kill Pagans and take their Cities. A prime example of this would be found in Isaiah 27:9, "There's only one way that Israel's sins and guilt can be completely forgiven, They must crush the stones of every Pagan altar and place of worship." and another example of the hatered towards Pagans could be found in 2 Chronicles 34:3-7, “Four years later he began to destroy the Pagan places of worship, the symbols of the Goddess Asherah, and all the other Idols. Under his direction the altars where Baal was worshiped were smashed, and the incense altars near them were torn down. They ground to dust the images of Asherah and all the other idols and then scattered the dust on the graves of the people who had sacrifices to them. He burned the bones of the Pagan Priests on the altars where they had worshiped. By doing this, he made Judah and Jerusalem ritually clean again. He did the same thin in the cities and the devastated areas of Manasseh, Ephraim, and Simeon, and as far north as Naphtali. Throughout the territory of the Northern Kingdom he smashed the altars and the symbols of Asherah, ground the idols to dust, and broke into bits all the incense altars. Then he returned to Jerusalem." Not only that but the massive killings of Pagans when Paganism was outlawed in Rome by Emperor Constantine. The Constantinian Shift was something Pagans feared, for that made it a death wish to worship their Gods and/or Goddesses within the Temples they have worked so Hard to build, and those Ancient Temples that have stood for hundreds if not thousands of years before the outlaw. And it was even worse with his tyranical sons. So tell me, what would posses someone to think that this would work? Their demon of stupidity would.

Now, lets move on to the Christian Witch shall we? The idea of of a Christian Witch is something I laugh at everyday. Why, do you ask...Witchcraft is the use and/or embracement of magick in your everyday life, the magick lives within you. Christianity is completely against that. In Exodus 22:18 of The King James Version Bible states:

"Thou shalt not suffer a Witch to live."

Some Christians and Witches will claim that in those times, Witches were a women who could sway the King, or that they were prisoners, or that they were people who made poisons...either one is rediculous. A Witch was back then as they are now known as someone who deals with Witchcraft. The even mere idea of Magick is against Christianity, as found in Revelations 21:8 of the New International Version Bible:

"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

Though there are many translations to this, all of them lead to the same thing. If you practice magick of any kind, you are doomed to the Christian Hell. While Hell and the Lake of Fire and Brimestone (Sulfur) is not held as an actual place in the afterlife in Genuine Witchcraft, it is to the Christians; and Christian Witches claim to not believe in this place of fire and brimestone (Sulfur). This would then exclude the Christianity factor of the Christian Witch. Though they Believe in the person named, "Jesus", in which whos name Christians killed Witches.

Now, on to my favorite one...the Christian Wiccan. Christian Wiccans belong to a Pseudo-Tradition known as, Trinitarian Wicca. They blatantly Bastardize the Duo-theistic belief and practice of True Genuine Wicca. Trinitarian Wicca is the correct name of the tradition followed by those who call themselves Christian Wiccans. It was founded on some yahoo page, by someone who wanted to Christinize Wicca...somehow make it safer for the mundane world. Why? Maybe because they really need some help in respecting the roots of the practices and beliefs. Christianity is a Monotheistic Belief, Wicca is a Duotheistic Belief. Though the Ecclectic Traditions of Wicca pull from different Traditions of Wicca, it was just that; other Traditions and beliefs of Wiccan Traditions...other Duotheistic Traditions. They have claimed that it was based off of an explaination of Ecclectic practices of Wiccan belief, I say, "Bullshit".

"For the Trinitarian path, there are no trappings of Patriarchal Christianity. We do not have conflicts with the Bible, because we work directly with the Gods and Goddesses; church dogma does not have a place in our ritual structure. Concepts such as the original sin, salvation, baptism, heaven, hell, and Satan are not conflicting topics for Trinitarians. They have no place in Wicca at all; as Trinitarian Wiccans, we do not differ in this belief. There is nothing fundamental about Christian or Trinitarian Wicca....Christian Wicca began on Yahoo Groups as a working title reflecting the an eclectic practice of American Tradition of Wicca. By 2002, this path developed it's name, the Trinitarian Tradition. This tradition evolved as a group of Wiccan practitioners focused on a Goddess-inclusive Christian trinity."
The Pseudo-Tradition "Trinitarian Wicca/Christian Wicca", is No real Wiccan Tradition, and is not a part of Genuine Wicca or Genuine Christianity. There is No Christian Goddess, never has been, never will be. Christianity ONLY believes and has ONE Deity, not two, not three; but ONE. It's Not God the Father, Goddess the Mother, and Jesus the Son. In Christian Mythology, Jesus is suposedly the Human form of Yahweh/Jehovah...there was no mother factor The Christian Mythology started off as Patriarchal, so there was never a Female aspect to begin with in Christianity.

Stop with the Bullshit because it is causing Toxicity within the Genuine Magickal Community.You are either Christian, or Wiccan. Christian, or a Witch. Christian, or a Pagan. You are NOT both.

Work Cited:

Pittman, Nancy - Christian Wicca.
- Nancy Chandler Pittman

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