
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Gone but Not Forgotten

In the olden days of magick pure,
the glittering Faerie danced.
Their home of Avalon matched their beauty
behind the clouds of thickened mist -
a mystery it seems to add.

Then there came a time of the Witch,
a friend to these winged Fay.
They danced and played,
and laughed and sang.
They chanted forms of magick,
and taught the witch their ways.
This was a time of peace.

There were many of these magickal kind,
and many of a different road.
But none of which would harm the next,
or even harm their foe.
Then the darkness came.

The Witch and many fought,
to keep that which is dear.
But there was too many of the darkness kind,
whose ears and eyes deceived them-
peace and love they preached.
The Witch knew it was false.

The darkness covered the land,
as thickest veil of bane.
Our ancestor’s memory they slandered.
Our men woman and children they slain,
And then they preach of righteousness and truth.
They say their way is pure and right,
while spitting up words of poison-
from lips of lustful envy.

Now we are in present day,
the darkness starts to fade.
The ancient truth we carry with us,
enlightened from ancestral ways.
The darkness fears us more and more,
as their powers wither-
they see they will not win.

So when you go to bed tonight,
remember what is said.
Though we are an ancient race,
our spirits will live on.

And when we go across the veil,
of spirit and of rest.
Our other kin will bid us well,
Like those who went before-
And those who will be left behind;
Will say what we have said,
their lips will say these gentle words,
“In Loving memory of this Witch,
Gone but Not Forgotten.”

Copyright©2011. Rev. Mirado Crow. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Samhain Approches 2011

Dear Readers:

September has rolled around and already there are a plethora of Halloween Decorations and Costumes in stores. There are Goblins, creatures of the night, Devils, Black Cats...and even “Witches”. With the green old, ugly, hag like figure, dressed in black stirring a bubbling cauldron.

We know the fairytales by Hans Christian Anderson, and the Brothers Grimm. We are also very familiar with the Green cackling Old Wicked Witch of the West in “The Wizard of Oz”. But that is nothing of what a REAL Witch is like, and is an invention of the imagination. It’s no surprise to know that not many people know where the stereotype came from.

In medieval Europe, Witchcraft was practiced before and alongside with Christianity. There were Norse Odinists, Druids, Celts, Wicca (Witches) whom were both men and women that have helped both villagers and Royalty and were healers, Priestesses, Witan, and Wise Elders in many country villages. When the Church came into power, there started “The Burning Times” a time of which the King James Bible was written during the reign of King James I of England and VI of Scotland, and the start of the Inquisition by the Pope himself. When this all happened, and these groups came under attack, the inquisition (and the Church) had painted an image of Witches as evil, ugly devil worshippers to feed the Witch-craze; and it was all used as propaganda in a religious hate war to exterminate all non-believers of the Christian Church.

Over the past several centuries, Millions of innocent Men, Women, and Children were accused of Witchcraft and killed. The majority of these people were no real Witches, but were of an individual mind. We can also never forget the famous Salem Witch trials of 1692, where Nineteen people were executed on Witchcraft charges; this included many Women whom were either hanged or drowned and one man was accused and crushed to death, and hundreds more people were jailed. None of these people were real Witches, but elderly eccentrics or wealthy or attractive people with jealous neighbors. Not to mention that the trials was presided over by Rev. Judge Cotton Mather (Founder of Yale University). He had written many theological works that encouraged the belief in Witchcraft, and yet never once lifted a finger to help the accused, even though he knew they were innocent. One man that was executed was George Burrough, he recited the “Our Father” prayer and Mather urged that his execution continue.

The Witch stereotype was false when it was started centuries ago, and false even to this day. It promotes a hateful image that connects women, old age, and Magick with a shroud of darkness, ugliness and evil. It is completely disrespectful to elderly women, especially strong, elderly women. This is also a slander on a beautiful living religion, called Wicca.

Wicca exists today. It is an Earth-based Religion goaled on the revival of ancient Pagan practices and Witchcraft Traditions. It is a harmless religion that teaches respect for Mother Earth, each other, and the community. We worship the Divine as both Male and Female (God and Goddess), and work towards the many aspects of the Divine. It has nothing to do with Satanism of any kind, warts, ritual sacrifice (of any kind) of children or virgins, or hexes.

I know, because I am a Wiccan High Priest—―a REAL Witch. Live in the Flesh. I don’t have Green skin, or warts, nor do I fatten up children to eat them. Real Witches do nothing of the sort found in fairytales. It saddens me that the Costume companies would contribute to the old stereotype about Witches, post the pictures on their store windows and advertising as part of the Halloween “Fun.” Degrading any group of people whether it be based on their: Age, Race, Religion, Gender, income, or handicap is a poor way to celebrate a Holiday.

So here’s a request from a friendly neighbor. Decorate your home or store with spooks, ghouls, and creatures of the night if you’d like – they’re not real. If you wish, add some black cats and pumpkins to your décor – they will not care. But please skip the Witch decorations and ugly images, because I am real, and I do care.

Have a Blessed Samhain!

Blessed Be,
Rev. Mirado Crow, D.D.
Founder and Tradition Head of
The Black Rose Tradition
President/Publisher and Editor in Chief of
The Enchanted Garden Press